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Online Distance Coaching

Online Distance Coaching

CoachCal only accepts 10 online distance clients per year. Most online distance coached athletes will either travel to Calgary once or twice a year or participate in many camp options to further connect with CoachCal.  Phone call or skype contact is once per month for program design and evaluation. Frequent email reporting is expect. Training diaries are not necessary but are helpful in assessing training stress. Often a phone conversation with the outlined program onhand is more effective to assess how the athlete is absorbing the training load and assess mental motivation and possible fatigue. Programs are emailed to the athlete once every 3-4 weeks. Exact details of BRICK sessions, BIKE sessions, TRACK workouts, SWIM Sessions and even Self Test Protocols are sent.

After attending the TrainingPEAKs University, I have decided NOT to use their platform. For triathlon, it just does not work. For cycling it is amazing. But there is NO integration of swim, bike, run and other training modalities and the massive assumptions of accurate data collection for THREE disciplines clouds the important decisions. To discuss, feel free to contact


Detailed Customized Training Sent By Email
Monthly Phone Conversation to Assess Past Training and Outline Future Limitation (Athletes Cost)
Unlimited Email Interaction
Priority Camp Placement
Discount on CSR Team Gear and Product
Purchasing Discounts

COST: 200.00 plus gst per month or 200.00 USD per month

Contact CoachCal for Availability at

Read 30801 times Last modified on Tuesday, 11 September 2018 06:00