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Police Half Marathon Results

Monday, 29 April 2013 19:59 |
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Thanks to all those CSR athletes who came out to support your teammates yesterday at the Police Half Marathon!  Was so cool to see many of you on the race course.

Here are some fantastic results from the race! As a team, we did very well with many of your hitting a personal best! All that hard work is paying off! Well done. Goodness after going through the list of racers, I know I have missed someone in this list.


6/1289 ZARYSKI, CALVIN 1644 01:21:55.35 03:52 HALF40-49M 2/177 M 6/699
11/1289 KABUSH, DANELLE 333 01:23:38.45 03:57 HALF30-39F 1/194 F 1/590
21/1289 ROBINS, SIMON 1276 01:26:25.55 04:05 HALF30-39M 5/205 M 20/699
32/1289 CHAD, ANTHONY 260 01:28:43.40 04:12 HALF30-39M 8/205 M 29/699
34/1289 KILLICK, DAN 817 01:28:53.00 04:12 HALF30-39M 9/205 M 31/699
73/1289 SIMPSON, BO 1366 01:33:39.55 04:26 HALF30-39M 26/205 M 64/699
185/1289 SOLOMCHUK, LISA 1396 01:42:40.50 04:51 HALF30-39F 12/194 F 27/590
14/194 COLANGELO, SABRINA 302 01:43:46.40 04:55 HALF30-39F 207/1289 F 30/590
3/101 MILLER, LESLEY 1050 01:46:12.90 05:02 HALF50-59F 248/1289 F 38/590
84/177 BIRT, PATRICK 138 01:52:23.85 05:19 HALF40-49M 397/1289 M 316/699
525/1289 MANITOPYES, CARRIE 1617 01:56:48.65 05:32 HALF40-49F 27/156 F 132/590
527/1289 TOPPING, CHELSEY 1240 01:56:50.60 05:32 HALF30-39F 56/194 F 134/590
1055/1289 SAGAN, NICOLE 1317 02:20:35.30 06:39 HALF30-39F 151/194 F 429/590


Jennifer was having a great day but her knee got a little sore so she decided to not risk further injury. Jim was still ill, Rick had a sensitive achilles but now seems to be all good, Darren and Sean just did a strong 10km in preparation for this weekended 70.3 in St George!

Good to see Shawn out there on the race course with his mountain bike. Sean Messing also came out and cheered us all on, after he ran the course earlier that AM.

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Calvin Zaryski

CoachCal has been coaching for over 30 years. Not just focusing on athletes, but on individuals whose goals range from climbing Mount Everest to recapturing the power of active living.


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