Program officially starts in November, but most athletes use October to stay fit with a customized program to slowly ramp up their fitness for a November team start.
The new season program will include 6 group training sessions per week, 4 Volume Altitude Camps, 1 Maui Camp, 1 Easter Epic Camp, 1 Couer D'Alene Camp, 2 Penticton Camps, 1 XTERRA Clinic and 1 XTERRA Camp.
But wait, there is more. 2012-2013 season has 10 BRICK sessions (3-4hrs), 10 Snowshoes or Hikes and 4 EnduroBRICK sessions (5 hours) and 4 Simulated Triathlons for you to attend. The season is jammed packed with great opportunities to get super fit and have fun with the CSR Team. All abilities are welcomed and encouraged! Get Results this Year! Join the most successful MultiSport Team in Canada. Professional coaching, great teammates and amazing programing and facilities. You will be in the best shape of your life for next Season!
If you would like to speak with a CSR team member, contact CoachCal and he will put you in touch.
Triathlon training delivered in a group setting. Groups created based on goal races. | Bronze program, plus quarterly one-on-one coaching sessions and two physiological testing sessions per year. | Bronze program, plus monthly one-on-one coaching sessions and four physiological testing sessions per year. | Meet with CoachCal to outline your program, body composition, discuss nutrition and diet, race selection and race strategy. |
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All CSR athletes work hard and try to attend all training sessions. The closer you follow the CriticalSpeed schedule, the better the results. CoachCal schedules all the swim, bike, run, body conditioning, mini and full training camps to ensure maximum fitness development without sacrificing health and daily energy. Not all athletes are capable of attending every camp or weekly training session, CoachCal will outline the MUST DO training sessions and help you organize your time. Daily exercise prescription is designed base on the training objective, which includes compensation for residual fatigue from previous training sessions and Team's overall fitness. This is the best approach to maximum development.
Each month builds on the previous. Modifications to the training schedule and volume are made to athletes joining mid program, but to get the most value from upcoming camps, it is best to start early. Speak with CoachCal to discuss your race season and recommended training start date.
The Key to the CSR Program