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Monthly One-on-One Consultation Program

If the Bronze, Silver and Gold programs do not fit your needs and time availability, you can always purchase meetings with CoachCal to outline your program, body composition, discuss nutrition and diet, race selection and race strategy or any other topic related to health, fitness and performance. There is NO CHARGE for Program Modifications due to illness or travel. Just contact CoachCal with the details.

These Meetings take place at the CSR Office (2628 19th Ave SW Calgary) during office hours (see office hours below) or by phone (long distance call must be made by the client).

CoachCal's Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9 am - 4 pm 
If you would like the meetings to take place at your location, there is a travel fee based on distance and time. (see travel fee).

$225.00 per month

All payments are by Post Dated Checks or charge on Visa or MCard only.
All Visa transactions are subject to a 5% surcharge.1 Month notice must be given for Program Cancellation
A minimum of 4 month commitment.
Post dated checks or credit card required at first session.

As a monthly CSR client, you are welcome to drop into group training at a Discount (see drop in rates) that critcalspeed offers. Just inform CoachCal by email, coachcal@criticalspeed.com that you would like to attend the sessions. However, priority spacing must be given to those athletes who are enrolled in the Bronze, Silver or Gold programs.

Read 21701 times Last modified on Monday, 23 October 2023 05:01

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About Criticalspeed

Criticalspeed provides a multisport training system that maximizes your time and stimulates improvements. The process includes a social and supportive environment to maintain consistency and motivation.

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