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Ironman Update

Wednesday, 22 August 2012 00:00 |
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Well it is the week of Ironman for most of you. Many of you are Ironman rookies, venturing into your first ultra endurance event.

Please consider the event as a personal challenge of execution and inner strength and even patience, rather than a race.


The most important emotion after your event is that of satisfaction and personal pride. You all have spent countless hours training for this event. I am sure that your daily thoughts have been centered around this challenge. Try to keep the perception of the event within your anxiety tolerance.

For most, over anxiety could make the pre race routine and waiting difficult and almost resentful. Ground yourself back to the true reasons why you are participating and just go out there and execute. We ALL know how to swim, with or without a wetsuit. We certainly know how to bike and goodness running was what we humans were designed to do. If you manage your day properly, listening to your inner self and heart rate you will succeed in your personal goal.

Pretend you are a season veteran, having done 10 or more, trusting in the race plan but also anticipating small setbacks. It will happen. Be prepared and maybe you will be blessed to have the perfect race. Be thankful you have an opportunity to participate. There are many who certainly wanted to, but were unable. Celebrate your life and hard committed preparation.  

Many of you have your own personal training for the week of Ironman based on travel, family responsibilities, personal preferences and even sporting backgrounds.  The bottom line is that your body wants to move while waiting for the cannon to sound. Move a little, to get clarity in your purpose for being an Ironman, but do not over do it. Also, please refrain from learning how to water ski this week... save it for another week.... finally respect the locals and maintain your kindness, respect and gratitude when preparing and racing in Penticton. We are all special in our own ways and Ironman Triathletes are just one small uniqueness in a world of greatness.

So proud to have been apart of your process and I know how hard each and every one of you has prepared.  Now go out there and Enjoy!

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Calvin Zaryski

CoachCal has been coaching for over 30 years. Not just focusing on athletes, but on individuals whose goals range from climbing Mount Everest to recapturing the power of active living.

Website: criticalspeed.com

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