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Simulated Triathlon Dos and Don'ts

Tuesday, 26 February 2013 18:33 |
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In a simulated triathlon when approaching the wall for a turn, try to swim a quick and short diagonal approach when coming into the wall for a turn. This results in a straight forward push off, and you will be on the side that you will swim back. This allows the swimmer, who is likely drafting you, to do the same, and keeps the lane organized for optimal flow without head on collisions. This really applies to swimming at any time. The exception is when experienced swimmers tumble turn and push off deep enough to actually go under the approaching swimmer... yikes.

In a pool triathlon, better to have cleaner and stronger turns and push offs, then swim too hard.  Often triathletes will focus on swimming hard in the middle of the pool only to lose time with sloppy turns.  Practise fast, strong turns in training. This applies to open turns as well. Your speed off the wall far exceeds the speed in the middle of the pool... so if you can have a strong push off, perfect streamline and hard breakout, you will carry that speed into the middle of the pool.  This tip really applies to Mount Royal because the water temperatures are so warm.  

I just read this online... it was referring to running but of course it applies to all training....

3 Tips that'll ensure you are training effectively for the run

1: Consistency trumps both volume and intensity
2: Master each type of workout before you move up to the next level
3: "Train" the body that shows up on the day, (not the one you hope showed up)

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Calvin Zaryski

CoachCal has been coaching for over 30 years. Not just focusing on athletes, but on individuals whose goals range from climbing Mount Everest to recapturing the power of active living.

Website: criticalspeed.com

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