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Xterra Canada

Sunday, 27 January 2013 22:18 |
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Hi XTERRA Athletes,

2013 brings much change for off road racing.  Unfortunately, the XTERRA series no longer exists under the XERRA brand.  Many of you have already entered the World XTERRA Championships through the "at large" option.  If you did not do this or did not get accepted, I suggest racing the Regional Championships in the USA to earn a slot for Worlds 2013.  Most Western Canadian will head down to Las Vegas for their April 13th event.

What is exciting for 2013 is the continuation of off road racing by the local race directors. I have spoken with many of these people and most of them have expressed a continuation of their race under a different name or brand.  These races includes the event in Buffalo Pound Saskatchewan, Vernon BC, Victoria BC, Kelowna BC and potentially in Canmore AB.  Also, Element race in Ontario offers great off road racing!

I suggest you all sign up on the XTERRA Canada facebook page as soon as possible to receive more up to date information. I will likely change the page name from XTERRA shortly.

I hope we can keep this exciting sport in Canada. Most of its success depends on you the athlete attending these races and supporting the sponsors. I will send out more updates very soon.

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Calvin Zaryski

CoachCal has been coaching for over 30 years. Not just focusing on athletes, but on individuals whose goals range from climbing Mount Everest to recapturing the power of active living.

Website: criticalspeed.com

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