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Calvin Zaryski

Calvin Zaryski

CoachCal has been coaching for over 30 years. Not just focusing on athletes, but on individuals whose goals range from climbing Mount Everest to recapturing the power of active living.

Saturday, 24 November 2012 04:39

CSR BRICK Sessions

CSR 2024 - 2025 Sunday Aerobic Power and Endurance BRICKs 

(Full Time CSR Athletes with Priority Placement). If you want to secure a spot in these EPIC BRICK sessions, you should consider joining the team (Either Personal Program with CoachCal, BRONZE Program, Daytime Program or Cycling Program).

These sessions are critical when developing endurance in preparation for a break through season in Triathlon, Cycling, UltraRunning and Adventure Racing. Even ultra runners will benefit from these long sessions. Building in duration and difficulty, from 3-5 hours, these BRICKS are done at Mount Royal University on their indoor track. All BRICK sessions start at 9am unless there are facility conflicts. There are a few BRICK sessions that will push into 5 hours.  BRICK session begin in November and end in May. After participating in the majority of these training session, you will be able to ride long and strong in early Spring. The BRICK sessions incorporate 90% cycling with small amount of running and conditioning intervals. You need to bring your bike and trainer for these sessions. You are welcome to skip the runs and continue cycling or do body conditioning.



Nov. 3, 2024
Nov. 17, 2024

Mount Royal University
Mount Royal University

9:00 am - 12:00 pm (3hr)

9:00 am - 12:00 pm (3hr)

Dec. 1, 2024
Dec. 15, 2024 (Vol Camp #1)

Mount Royal University
Mount Royal University

9:00pm - 12:00 pm (3hr)
9:00 am - 1:00 pm (4hr)

Jan. 5, 2025
Jan. 19, 2025 (Vol Camp #2)

Mount Royal University
Mount Royal University

9:00pm - 12:00 pm (3hr)
9:00 am - 1:00 pm (4hr)

Feb. 2, 2025
Feb. 16, 2025 (Vol Camp #3)

Mount Royal University
Mount Royal University

9:00 am - 1:00 pm (4hr)
9:00 am - 2:00 pm (5hr)

Mar. 2, 2025
Mar. 16, 2025
Mar. 30, 2025

Mount Royal University
Mount Royal University
Mount Royal University

9:00 am - 1:00 pm (4hr)
9:00 am - 1:00 pm (4hr)
9:00 am - 1:00 pm (4hr)

Apr. 6, 2024
Apr. 27, 2024 (Vol Camp #4)

Mount Royal University (Power BRICK)
Mount Royal University

9:00 pm - 1:00 pm (4hr)
9:00 pm - 2:00 pm (5hr)

 **Optional May 4  Weather Dependant 9:00 pm - 2:00 pm (4hr)
  These Dates are Tentative and may Change. Make sure to confirm with Cal. Email him: coachcal@criticalspeed.com  


CSR Full Time Evening/Daytime Triathletes: FREE
CSR Private Coached Athletes: 30.00 flat rate
CSR Cycle Program Athletes: 30.00 flat rate

2024/25 PUBLIC BRICK SEASON PASS: 550.00 gst included (12+ BRICK sessions)
* A limited number of BRICK passes will be sold gaurenteeing a spot in the sessions (can be shared between 2 people).
* Couples can Purchase 2 Passes for 900.00
* 2024 Fees reflect COVID Facility Safety Procedures (Entire Track Level Booking and Cleaning Protocols)
* ZOOM Virtual BRICKs/ Virtual Bike Sessions will be offered if there are Facility Restrictions
* Priority of these BRICK passes will be given to any athlete who participates in other CSR Programs or Services.
* If interested email CoachCal coachcal@criticalspeed.com.

PUBLIC DROP-INs (Check availability email coachcal@criticalspeed.com)

$40.00 drop-in for 3 hours Endurance BRICKS
$50.00 drop-in for 4 hours Endurance BRICKS
$60.00 drop-in for 5 hours Endurance BRICKS

Equipment: Bike and Trainer, Swim gear, Run Gear and Personal Nutrition.

Fees:  Are to be paid at time of session. Fees includes access to the facility.

Actual Heart Rate Trace of a 4 Hour Brick Session

The Infamous CSR Brick Session

Example BRICK session during Pre-Competition
Training Phase
Total Time: 3 hours of Biking

KEY: ' = Minutes; " = Seconds; rpm = revolutions per minute
HR = Heart; rate ; Z = heart rate Zone

Start at 10am! Get there early to set up.

Half Ironman athletes are finished after Transition 3 and a 10 minute
cool down on the bike!

0-15' : easy spin warm up going from 70 rpm to 100rpm (Z1 HR)
15-20' : Hold 110-120 rpm in easy gear (Z1 HR)
20-40' : 2 x 15" single leg with 30" spin between then switch legs
2 x 30" single leg with 45" spin between then switch legs
2 x 45" single leg with 60" spin between then switch legs
2 x 60" single leg with 120" spin between then switch legs
40-45' : 10 X 15" accelerations up to 140 rpm, go on 1'
(Z5 effort due to high cadence)

Transition 1 Run for 10 minutes starting at a slow Ironman Pace for 5 minutes (Z2),
then the last 5 minutes at half Ironman pace or Z3 (there should be 10
seconds per 200 difference). Here are the 200m split times for each mile pace:

80" =10:44
75" =10:04
70" = 9:24
65" = 8:43
60" = 8:03
55" = 7:23
50" = 6:43
45" = 6:02
40" = 5:22
45-65' : easy spin warm up doing the following!

Make up 5 groups.

Group1 starts spinning at 120 rpm in an easy gear, then group 2 joins them 30 seconds later,then group 3 30" later, then group 4 30" later, then group 5 30" later. Make sure all groups start! Next wave starts (group 2 starting), 60 seconds after the entire group finishes the 120 rpms.

65-85' : 15" Biggest gear at 60rpm, stay seated.
Rest = 45" spinning at 100rpm!

then 30" Biggest gear at 60rpm, stay seated.
Rest = 60" spinning at 100rpm!

then 45" Biggest gear at 60rpm, stay seated.
Rest = 90" spinning at 100rpm!

then 60" Biggest gear at 60rpm, stay seated.
Rest = 120"spinning at 100rpm!

Repeat the above portion!
85-90' : Spinning at 110-120 rpm light gear (Z1)

Transition 2 (total of 10 minutes, no more)

Run no faster than Half IM pace.
Every 2 laps alternate:

60" Bridge
50 Chinnies or crunches
90-105' : easy spin warm up going from 80 rpm to 120rpm (Z1-2 HR)
105-115' : 8 x 15" standing in moderately easy gear with 45" rest,
spin it out for 2' till 115' Controlled.

Do not go too hard! Relax and keep the cadence high at 75-90 rpm
115-130' : Pyramid Training. Done in your small chain ring. Assuming you all have 9 speed rear cog set (gear 1 is the easiest, 9 the hardest)

Start: Gear 3 for 2'.00"
Gear 4 for 1'.45"
Gear 5 for 1'.30"
Gear 6 for 1'.15"
Gear 7 for 1'
Gear 8 for 45"
Gear 9 for 30"

Take 2 minutes to spin easy, then start with Gear 9 for 30" and work
to gear 3! Repeat the above portion!130-135' : Spinning at 110-120 rpm light gear (Z1). Transition 3 ( Running total of 10 minutes, no more)

Lap 1: Ironman Pace (2/10 Perceived Exertion)
Lap 2: Marathon Pace (4/10)
Lap 3: Half Marathon Pace (6/10)
Lap 4: 10km pace (8/10)
Repeat until your time is up!
135-145' : easy spin warm up going from 70 rpm to 100rpm (Z1 HR)
145-160' : 5 X 60" single leg drills with 30" spin between legs!
160-170' : 4 x 60" standing in moderately easy gear with 60" rest,
spin it out for 2' till 65' Concentrate on efficiency and smoothness
of the climb! Relax!
170-179' : Choose moderately hard gear
(big chain ring and gear 3 or 4)
30" in Normal Position (hands on brake hoods)
30" Aeroposition
30" Standing
Rest 90"
Repeat 3 times starting with a different position each time.
179-180' : spin easy

Transition #3: Run 10 minutes easy in Zone 2 (Ironman Pace)
This will be your cool down this week! Make sure not to run hard, but
relaxed and easy! Do some stretching afterwards!

Make sure to eat during session! Try to consume 200-400 KCal during and then use your recovery drink after the session! Try to get in 500Kcal immediately after the workout!



Wednesday, 22 August 2012 00:00

Ironman Update

Well it is the week of Ironman for most of you. Many of you are Ironman rookies, venturing into your first ultra endurance event.

Please consider the event as a personal challenge of execution and inner strength and even patience, rather than a race.

Monday, 19 November 2012 00:38

Kona is HOT!

Well duh!  But when the sun shines on your while exercising, it is an entirely different stress!  Secondly, I have to say this... every athlete present in Kona was elite. Elite age groupers sporting less than minimum body fat and just ripped! What a spectacle of amazing athletes.

Monday, 19 November 2012 00:35

To BRICK or Not to BRICK

Back in 1994 my final project for my Masters Degree investigated the relationship between swim, bike and run individual time trials equal to the distances in an Olympic triathlon and what happens to these performance when you link them together. I found that there was no significant difference in the performances when comparing the swim and bike.

Sunday, 18 November 2012 01:59

Camps and Clinics

Criticalspeed is pleased to offer a series of amazing camps and clinics throughout the year.


Push through a plateau and get to the next level in your endurance fitness.

Learn more



Come train on the Ironman Coeur D'Alene course for 4 days.

Learn more


Surfing, cycling and trail running in Maui, need we say more?

Learn more


Join us May long weekend to experience the Ironman Canada course.

Learn more


This Camp offers the ultimate opportunity for event specific coaching and on-course training.

Learn more


Hi everyone,

Just wanted to take this time to thank all of you who came out to Janice's celebration of life. The formal proceedings were very well done but obviously sad. The saddest moments were watching their three young children and realizing that their mum would no longer be apart of their daily growth and memory. Her father's, Gary,  tribute was touching and caring. Cameron's version of their short but wonderful life together was humorous and heart felt. Just weeks before the accident, a wise man visited Cam, Janice and their family.

He witnessed the love and happiness and needed to share his observation... he leaned over to Cam and whispered that "he had it all"....

Sunday, 18 November 2012 01:56


All CSR Drop In Activities and Prices

Public Prices:

(Priority Participation to Full Time WinSport Athletes)

  • 3-5 HOUR AEROBIC POWER BRICKS SESSION: $10.00/hr ($30-50)
  • Online ZOOM BIke and Conditioning Sessions: 15.00 each
  • FRIDAY NIGHT 3 Hr Video Rides: 30.00
  • SWIM SESSION: $20.00 for 1 hr; 25.00 for 90'

All fees are to be paid at time of session. Fees include access to the facility except for Track Sessions at the Olympic Oval.



Personalized Program Client Prices:

(Any athlete receiving one on one program design or enrolled in other WinSport Programs)

  • SWIM SESSION: $20.00 for 1 hr; 25.00 for 90'

All fees are to be paid at time of session. Fees include access to the facility except for Track Sessions at the Olympic Oval.


Sunday, 18 November 2012 01:55

CSR Programs and Coaching Options

Choose your level of participation from the three programs available to Calgary athletes or learn more about CoachCal's Online Distance Coaching.  If you seek personalized attention delivered in a one on one setting (CoachCal will answer all your questions on health, wellness, injuries, nutrition and performance), with the option of dropping into any of the following group sessions, look into the Personalized Coaching Program!

CriticalSpeed Wins their FOURTH 70.3 Calgary Team Club Competition (Accumulated Time for 3 Males and 2 Females). If you are looking for a Team that will bring out the endurance animal in you, look no further. The Program is Intergrated and builds to offer more specific Triathlon training when most needed... in the summer! Personal programs are offered in the summer to make sure you are on a perfect peak and taper plan for that perfect race!

CSR Daytime Triathlon Program

For all those Moms and Shift Workers, CSR offers a M-F daytime training option.

Training Schedule

Monday: 9:30 - 11:00am Group Computrainer Session at CoachCal's Studio or Online ZOOM Bike Session / Group Swim 11:30-12:30pm MRU
Tuesday: 9:30 - 11:00am Group OutDoor Training (Run, Ski, Snowshoe, FAT Bike)
Wednesday: 9:30 - 11:00am Computrainer Session or Online ZOOM Bike Session / Group Swim 11:30-12:30pm MRU
Thursday: 10:30 - 11:30am Group Track Session with Resistance Training at MRU
Friday: 9:30 - 12:30am Computrainer Session (Long Endurance Ride) or Online ZOOM Bike Session

Sunday BRICK Sessions available at 20.00 flat rate (regular price is 40.00)

Cost:  350.00 per month
12 month committment received 15% off / 10 month committment receives 10% off / 8 month committment receives 5% off monthly rates


CSR Evening Triathlon Program Schedule (Limited to 20 athletes)

Level of involvement may depend on your goals and approach to success. The programs are a 4 month commitment and are client driven. It is the athlete's responsibility to stay in contact with CoachCal weekly by reporting in via email or phone/text messages. This includes booking appointments and testing times. During the summer months, group training becomes less structured but CoachCal will meet with each athlete to outline a specific program to prepare the final approach to your goal races. 

12 month committment received 15% off / 10 month committment receives 10% off / 8 month committment receives 5% off monthly rates 

Sample Monthly Training Schedule 

Monday (Winter) MRU

Swim at 7:00 - 8:00 PM

Monday (Summer) MRU Swim at 6:30 - 7:30 PM

Tuesday (Summer)


Tuesday (Winter - Double Session)

Crescent Hts Downtown

Online ZOOM Bike


TRACK Mount Royal University

Outdoor at 6:00pm




MRU Track 8:00-9:00pm

Wednesday (Winter) MRU

Swim Session at 7:00 - 8:00 PM

Wednesday (Summer) MRU

Swim at 6:30-8:00 PM

Thursday (Summer)

Eau Claire Y

Outdoor Run / Stairs at 12 noon

Thursday (Winter-Double Session)

OnLine ZOOM Bike


Indoor Bike and Conditioning  Session: 6:00 - 7:15 PM

MRU 8:00-9:00PM

Thursday (Summer) WestSide Kings Church Outdoor Bike Session at 6:00pm
Friday (Summer) Lake Bonavista Swim at 6:00-7:30 PM



MRU / Eau Claire Y


Endurance Runs 10am - 12 noon

Swim 4:00-5:00pm


Mount Royal University

Canadian Rockies

BRICK training (9:00AM - 1:00pm)

10:00 AM start, Outdoor BRICK training, Road or Mountain Bike training and Hiking and Snowshoeing.

Cost:  350.00 per month

Sunday EPIC BRICK Session: SPACE is LIMITED TO 30 Athletes for 2020-2021 (Full Time CSR Athletes with Priority Placement). If you want to secure a spot in these EPIC BRICK sessions, you should consider joining the team (Either Personal Program with CoachCal, BRONZE Program, Daytime Program or Cycling Program).

All prices are subject to gst. Payment must be either Visa or MasterCard. Information is distributed predominantly by electronic mail. It is the athletes responsibility to remain in contact and check their emails regularly for updates and important news. Read policies.

Sunday, 18 November 2012 01:54


Choose your level of participation from the three programs available to Calgary athletes or learn more about CoachCal's online coaching.

Level of involvement may depend on your goals and approach to success. The programs are a 4 month commitment and are client driven. It is the athlete's responsibility to stay in contact with CoachCal weekly by reporting in via email or phone messages. This includes booking appointments and testing times.  

Sample Monthly Training Schedule (Does not Include DAYTIME SCHEDULE)

Monday (Winter) MRU

Swim at 7:00 - 8:00 PM

Monday (Summer) MRU Swim at 7:00-8:00 PM

Tuesday (2 Eve Sessions in Winter)

ZOOM Bike & Conditioning
MRU Track

Indoor Bike at your home 6:00-7:15pm
8:00-9:00pm MRU Track

Wednesday (Winter) MRU

Swim Session at 7:00-8:00 PM

Wednesday (Summer) MRU

Swim at 7:00-8:30 PM

Thursday (2 Eve Sessions in Winter)

ZOOM Bike and Conditioning
MRU Track

6:00-7:15pm at your own home
8:00-9:00pm MRU Track

Thursday (Summer) WestHills Church OutDoor Bike Session at 6:30pm
Friday (Summer) Lake Swim at 6:00-7:30 PM
Saturday YMCA Endurance Runs 9am - 12 noon

Mount Royal University

Canadian Rockies

BRICK training (9:00 - 1:00 PM)

10:00 AM start, Outdoor BRICK training, Road or Mountain Bike training and Hiking and Snowshoeing.

All prices are subject to gst. Payment must be either Visa, MasterCard, or post dated cheques. Information is distributed predominantly by electronic mail. It is the athletes responsibility to remain in contact and check their emails regularly for updates and important news. Read policies.

Sunday, 18 November 2012 01:54

Contact Us

CoachCal's Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9 am - 5 pm

Office: 2628 19th Ave SW Calgary
Email: coachcal@criticalspeed.com

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About Criticalspeed

Criticalspeed provides a multisport training system that maximizes your time and stimulates improvements. The process includes a social and supportive environment to maintain consistency and motivation.

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